Ancient Technology Discovered

in Antarctica in 2011

….found on Google Earth Satellite Imagery.
(not “photos” in Google Earth, actual Satellite Imagery)
No matter what it is, there was definitely ancient technology used to build it.

The Bottom of a UFO!?

I found this in Antarctica on Google Earth in 2011 and gave it to the US Army. They mind controlled me, scrambled my brain and made me forget for several years. I don’t know who or what triggered my memories but one day years later I was sitting on the couch with my family and I remembered finding the thing I think is a UFO and I figured out they did something to me. From what I figure now, someone or something literally took control of me and made me do all kinds of crazy things like even threaten the US President, my guess is to make me look crazy or so that I will never enter the USA again. If that’s why, it worked. Threatening the US President is an act of terrorism and the Canada’s National Security didn’t arrest me. Maybe they are in on it and didn’t want to imprison me for being mind controlled. Maybe it wasn’t even Canada’s National Security but the Men In Black in every day clothing, no uniforms, no badges, no guns, only a business card I misplaced over the years.

After remembering what happened, I spent what felt like hundreds of hours trying to find any photos or stories of it. I finally found this photo above, exactly what a screenshot would have looked like. I didn’t take any pictures or screenshots because I was scared of the Men In Black paying me a visit. There was another picture on the page which is clearly faked so I will not post it. I don’t know why someone would faked that, maybe to cause confusion and make my story seem fake too.

Within a few years after this discovery, presidents from several countries of the world and even the Pope had already went to Antarctica without any reason or explanation.

The reason I sent it straight to the US Army instead of the media, was to verify it was real. Around that time, when other UFO discoveries have been given to the media, they have been claimed as Google hoaxes, planted there for a joke. But this one was never a laughing matter.

I thought I was doing the right thing by giving it to the Americans because I figured they already have secret UFO bases and maybe this was the missing piece of tech they needed. I think it’s been frozen under ice for thousands if not millions of years. It might have been easier to reverse engineer something that was much older compared to after the aliens have had that much additional advances in technology.

I discovered what I thought was one of the biggest discoveries of human history, and they mind controlled me, and completely destroyed me for several years. Now when I think of it, they must have destroyed several people and hidden several things over the millennia. That is so harsh. I wonder why they are hiding the truth. Maybe the oil companies, energy and power, religions, etc. might not even be needed. Nobody would believe in their energy bills after free energy, or believe in “Christ” and other religions that became long after this thing was built. They have been hiding things for centuries if not millennia. I will probably never know for sure what I found that day.

We have trouble making small advancements in planes and rocket ships with our current knowledge, so this new American “Space Force” must not be human technology! What else could they be doing? Firing bullets up at the sky? I wonder what technology they have! And then I started thinking what technology don’t they have!? With nanotechnology and 3D printing, it seems anything is possible. Shape-shifting self-replicating robots building more robots worse than the movie Terminator.

What do you think it is? A UFO? A Stargate Teleport System? haha Hitler’s surprise time capsule full of nanobots or viruses? I think it is a UFO, because I doubt there was civilizations on Earth especially Antarctica back then, so whoever landed there probably ran out of gas or couldn’t fix their ship and died freezing in the cold looking for an electronics store. They don’t tell us a single true thing.

False Claims – The More The Merrier

After posting this website, it has come to my attention that there have been multiple false claims to this discovery, claiming they found this earlier than I found it. They made all this stuff up to make my whole story seem fake. This video is dated 11 years ago now in 2023, meaning it was posted in 2012, one year after I found it. But they claim it was found in 1996. They think people will believe they would just wait 15 years to make this video/claim just 1 year after I found it. I doubt they will believe that if they see this page for some reason. That crazy video that makes no sense.

When I think about it, that video was released before my memories came back to me. Other people’s memories must have come back after all their mind control experiments, and that’s how they knew to make this crap to cover anything ahead of time! If my story was a hoax and any of this other stuff was true, I would admit I was a fool for trying to make up a story like this. But I swear on my life it is 100% true! Whoever mind controlled me, their whole lives are a hoax! I am still mind boggled as to why they would lie to the whole entire world about our true history when it looks so much cooler. Leads me right back to religion, energy and oil companies.

When I first remembered, I searched the whole internet thoroughly and there were no other claims or pictures. It was very hard to find, it is still there on a Wordpress page by Nikolay Kotev, username Kotev25, a European Scientist and Bulgarian Army News Journalist. The article is here:

“MAY BE A TRUTH, MAY BE LIES…(The Truth is Out There). Second part.” Take a look at all the photos on that page and tell me they didn’t go down there for that UFO! I saved the entire Wordpress page in case it ever goes down.

The UFO was exactly as it appears here, but they made the man on the left with a shadow pointing to the left and the other men’s shadows pointing to the right, a different colored patch of snow with men leaving giant bigfoot footprints. That all looks like it was added in after.

Click image above to view without text.

I didn’t measure the thing because I was excited and panicking, but I think the UFO was significantly larger than this photo leads you to believe (with the men and snowmobiles added in after). I can’t be positive because I did not measure, but from my memory with the mountains around the area, it seemed a lot bigger, like I would guess 5 times bigger at least. Meaning it would still be somewhere close to it’s original location, covered up. I understand that my story is unbelievable without that photo proof but at least I have a faked photo with the real UFO in it to work with or I couldn’t have made this site.

I moved to this website in the middle of May 2023, and on June 6, 2023, while searching for antarctica ufo images on one of the main search angines I always use: yahoo, bing and google, I noticed a large amount of new fake images of the UFO that weren’t there before. I update the site the same day but I wish I would have saved the images, because they are all gone and there was a lot. They looked totally bogus from all different angles including right over-top. It looked to me like a cheap 3D Model with a picture of the real UFO on top! After close examination and comparison, they were all clearly faked but when I searched for them again disappeared before June 9, 2023. I wonder what went on there, but because of the date, I think it must have had something to do with my new site!

This is a little too crazy with those cover-ups! What the fuck is wrong with you! Do you talk to psychiatrists about this stuff?! That is very dangerous for your health if you don’t! Did you tell the Canadian National Security your sick lies or do they already know the truth too? I showed them this page and I am disappointed. Real Canadians would help their own country somehow. Reveal as much of this true history as you can and how sick the US Army is! Instead, they appear to be either plain stupid, scared of the US mind control, with them for some reason, or just as dirty and don’t care. Things like this should be shown to the public, so we can spend tax money on finding, preserving and showing these things in museums. Instead they used my own tax payer money to drive me crazy. I don’t want to tell anyone how they are so sick. (not jail btw) Obviously those people are so sick, if we knew the whole truth, they would all be locked in the cages they lock people in, probably lots of innocent people too, just to shut them up because they would or did try to talk. I know how much they liked me! The Canadian National Security should grow balls. We could use more people talking. They do what they do and say they have to but think what people will do to them in the lake of fire! haha! Canadians are allowed to talk, this is a free country. The US Government does not own you. You know what happened! Fess up or put your hands up bitches, this is a citizens arrest!

The Corruption

This is directed towards the Government. This is a little too crazy with those cover-ups! What the fuck is wrong with you! Do you talk to psychiatrists about this stuff?! That is very dangerous for your health if you don’t! Did you tell the Canadian National Security your sick lies or do they already know the truth too? I showed them this page and I am disappointed. Real Canadians would help their own country somehow. Reveal as much of this true history as you can and how sick the US Army is! Instead, they appear to be either plain stupid, scared of the US mind control, with them for some reason, or just as dirty and don’t care. Things like this should be shown to the public, so we can spend tax money on finding, preserving and showing these things in museums. Instead they used my own tax payer money to drive me crazy. I don’t want to tell anyone how they are so sick. (not jail btw) Obviously those people are so sick, if we knew the whole truth, they would all be locked in the cages they lock people in, probably lots of innocent people too, just to shut them up because they would or did try to talk. I know how much they liked me! The Canadian National Security should grow balls. We could use more people talking. They do what they do and say they have to but think what people will do to them in the lake of fire! haha! Canadians are allowed to talk, this is a free country. The US Government does not own you. You know what happened! Fess up!

Politicians, Religions, Kings and Queens, they are all thugs and crooks who run the world. Religions are supposed to share their food and knowledge with the whole entire world not hide it and lie about it by any means necessary. They even tell us they hide the real truths in thousands of books hidden to the public under their fortress of lies. To me, it honestly looks like their goal is to turn the whole world into thugs and prostitutes just like themselves. It is almost impossible for honest people to survive these days, lots of people either starve and do without necessities or turn to crime and that is the way the world works.

Follow both arrows… where does that probe go first?!

Photo Enhanced Image

Click the image above to open larger photo enhanced image.

My UFO Theories

Because I have seen 7 other UFO’s in my life, and witnessed a Foo Fighter / Ball Lightning silently explode right in front of my face (if it exploded in all directions I might not be here anymore), I believe they have always been watching me and I lean to the idea their technique could me more like magic (psychokinesis) than technology (or even better a technology created by magic).

UFO’s could be floating on a space between space, or the space between two different universes (most people refer to this as another dimension but I do not agree that is what it should be called). It is only a theory.

UFO’s could be creating new matter above and disintegrating matter below. Now if you see it like this, the middle would all stay the same, and the outer shell would seem like it floats and flies by creating new outer shells to move itself anywhere. Sounds crazy but I think it could be done, matter is only energy, atoms, and such that could be manipulated in ways we do not understand yet.

This is just a strange idea, I am not saying this is true at all, but maybe another race of aliens was in control all along, and they made us destroy our own world using mind control like a game. Wouldn’t that just explain how evil and sick the governments are? UFO’s have been around for millennia, and can be seen in ancient stone carvings and cave paintings. Lots of civilizations in the world have a story of a turtle from the sky bringing life to Earth. A turtle is all they had back then that resembles a space saucer with legs. They wouldn’t have had anything else to compare it to.

Comments From The Website

Wolfcat · May 24, 2023
Hello “Me”, what an amazing discovery you made !! I saw this image on the net years ago 7-9 yrs. back. I think I may even have it on the hard drive of 1 of my old computer’s.? Then I could never find it again,like yourself.Really F’d up what those animals put you through, and you know,they’d pop a cyanide cap before the truth got close to their lips. I too have witnessed 7-8 of these craft, started when I was 11,last was 6yrs. back, TRB3 lookin’ thing hovering right over hwy 15, right behind the strip here in Vegas.I’d like to say more,limited space n all. Can I contact you at the anonymous email? If so I got a tale to tell. Cheers, Wolfcat

Ultimate Warrior · May 16, 2023
That is fucking trippy! The government is always bidding shit from us.

Anonymous · May 16, 2023
I’m intrigued that you think this looks like the bottom of a UFO. I have never seen a UFO so I must bow to your knowledge.

ME (mod) · Apr 27, 2023
you know you’re a reptilian when you have to say you’re not a reptilian ;) hahaha

Anonymous · Apr 6, 2023
what if this “ME” guy spaz out and tells russia or china????? you assholes better fess up!!!!!!!

ME (mod) · Jan 25, 2023
TV shows like Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura (a very famous and cool dude) talk about mind control. Look at government projects like MK Ultra, etc. This stuff is all very real!

Anonymous · Apr 30, 2022
Bad guys dont die early. :) You watch yourself Mr. “ME”!

Anonymous · Mar 21, 2022
everywhere you look there is control of one form or another and most people are completely blinded with lies

Anonymous · Mar 21, 2022
lots of people think UFOs come from the future, who knows how long it would take them to get here. sadly we will probably never know! I love your explanation, thanks for sharing! I like how you said you don’t know who mind controlled you after you gave it to the nation with the highest living “standards”, the biggest army and more UFO bases than the rest of the world put together. I wonder how they mind controlled you? did they come and hypnotize you? MIB neuralyzer? UFO? tell me what you think it was if you had to guess?

Billy · Jan 26, 2022
This is where the Anunnaki landed thousands of years ago! WOW! I still cannot believe you found this!

Sergeant Joshua Stewart · Dec 21, 2021
We can neither confirm nor deny the proclaimed discovery.

Anonymous · Dec 16, 2021
wow i never imagined anything so cool! I believe it cuz it looks and all sounds and even feels so eerily real!

Anonymous · Nov 27, 2021
im surprised this site didnt get shut down it is obviously top secret

Tony · Nov 19, 2021
Ancient Technology?

Sergeant William Sanders · Nov 13, 2021
HAUC – Hybrid Aerospace Underwater Craft. This is the exact technology we used to build these HAUC’s for the space force.

Tom· Nov 9, 2021
yes! where can I buy one?

Anonymous · Nov 6, 2021
i wonder now is this is the technology used for the space force

Anonymous · Oct 17, 2021
wow! amazing discovery! thanks for sharing your story. we all know the government will never tell us anything they don’t have to. they probably live off world and have robots celebrating after their speeches full of false promises. It looks like we just need the glasses from “They Live” movie to see what is really going on here…..

fucking crazy man · Oct 16, 2021
ITS fucking crazy man! HAVE ?

Ultimate Warrior · Oct 15, 2021
That’s fucking crazy man! I seen and heard some crazy stories in my life time! I wish we knew what it in fact is

Anonymous · Oct 14, 2021
Thanks for sharing your story. I dont think the truths will even be revealed either. They dont want us to know.

Note: This page used to be on a different site, therefore some comments predate the domain name.

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